Thursday, December 27, 2012

Let's back up a couple of days...

Aaah… 8am Thursday sitting on the balcony with some time to reflect on the past two days. So let’s start with Christmas Day – St Thomas. We knew before going that St Thomas was a beach island and a mountain top view island and not much else. Our plan was to have a true beach day. Apparently him upstairs has a sense of humor because as St Thomas came into view it was shrouded in the densest rainstorm clouds. The forecast for the day – showers. LOL. Determined not to be deterred we ventured of the ship under the stormy sky. There are two famous beaches on St T – Megans bay and Sapphire. We had already decided on Sapphire and went to the taxi stand. We piled in a SUV along with 3 other passengers. Turns out they were going to Megans Beach and as ours was further away they got dropped off first. This we considered to be a Christmas present cos we actually got to see the beach we had not opted for. It was quite stunning from an aerial shot (that’s the photo of Jeff in his swimming trunks and weed shirt. Best of all about that picture the Christmas baubles hanging from the tree to his right. LOL. Anyway got to Sapphire and we had made the right decision – stunning beach. Clear water and coral and palm trees swaying. Settled down ordered a drink… and then the rain came. LMAO. Not a heavy rain but enough to drive everyone else off the beach except for us and the ducks. It could be so easy to moan, but seriously – sitting in the rain on a perfect beach with the ducks looking across as the island of St John on Christmas day – awesome.  Well eventually it did get a bit too wet and windy so we decided to head off and find some lunch. That’s when we remembered St Thomas is a Catholic country and this was Christmas day. Everywhere closed! Good for them! Then remembered “the ship has food!!” so we hailed a cab and headed back for port. Henry, our cabbie was brilliant. He took us back via the southern coastal road (the first driver had taken us the northern coastal road). He also gave us a history lesson, pointed out all of St Thomas’s important buildings and all of the great places to eat and always followed that with “but it’s closed.” Lol.  Back on board we headed for the 11th deck. The fish n chip shop!! YUMMY! The perfect Christmas lunch! Just chilled out and hot tubbed away the afternoon before dressing up for elegant evening and Christmas night dinner.
In summary – St Thomas – a charming little island which I am sure is stunning from the mountaintop where there isn’t a bloody big rain cloud covering it. Best memory – being proud of them all for NOT trading their family time on Christmas Day for a boatload of tourists!

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